Please ensure all personalised details are spelt correctly when ordering as they will be copied as is.
Please add personalised details in the 'Notes About This Order' section at checkout.
Please send photos & contact details to:
Please ensure photos are of highest quality possible. No refunds/re-prints/re-makes of order due to pixelated photo printing.
No refunds/reprints will be made due to colour variations or mis-spelt words on your behalf.
Please note, there may be some colour variation between monitors & printed products.
Digital Wall prints supplied in A4 .pdf format only via a Dropbox link within 2 business days of all info & payment being received.
Once you've placed your order, please send your photos to us via email. Please include your contact name, number & names to add to the poster. 1 Photo per letter. Please note, the longer the name the smaller the text/photos will be. Please also include what text you'd like on the print as well.
Final price
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